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uqq3l7639b - 25 pa¼dziernika 2016

The distorting factor in all these bank regulation issues is the go8mvneent&#r217;s determination to feed revenue into the banks so that they can earn their way out of the losses of the real estate bubble. Shoveling money into institutions with unsound practices and bad management simply encourages them to fail again on a larger scale. This is very bad policy.

x1FgILWRkqUO - 3 wrze¶nia 2015

Przecież każdy się domyśla że Glee klub przegra zaodwy (wiadomo przez kogo) Myślę że twf3rcy wybrali adekwatny utwf3r do tej PORAŻKI

lFpaCfFRbHQGPgBga - 29 sierpnia 2012

IsIocg duxkicnmudhq

vDvfZBBieIsKVFf - 27 sierpnia 2012

pxHmRT jvauzhsqbxhf

uutqpfcWVgJOm - 26 sierpnia 2012

I used to be a good book reader and larneed TurboPascal during an Easter vacation simply through reading a book on it. I still have the book But these days I tend to learn more through hands on , and this causes unexpected gaps in knowledge which a book would probably cover. I start reading a book and _itch_ to use the knowledge and when I can't think of any project which would make use of it then I tend to drift away.Maybe I should force myself to learn from books again. I keep meaning to learn python (a language that promises to be useful, but for which I have no actual need) or DHTML and AJAX (I could even smarten up my crudtastic html2 web page). In my CFT.

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