Tym razem porozmawialiœmy z jedn¹ ze znakomitoœci œwiatowego narciarstwa - Stephanem Eberharterem / Austria - on wie jak zwyciê¿yÌ w najszybszych narciarskich zawodach œwiata, gdy pêdzi w dó³ z prêdkoœci¹ 140 km/h po stoku o nachyleniu 85% i oddaje 80-metrowe skoki! Sukces na licz¹cej 3312 m trasie w Kitzbuehl mo¿e zapewniÌ tylko precyzja, doskona³a technika i odwaga.
oV0c2Y8jA - 30 listopada 2015
Very nice post. I agree with your assessment of the Harriet Vanger "ending". I also felt that the book cheaetd in regard of the family trees that Blomkvist spent the book poring over - I don't want to give away any spoilers but perhaps you know what I mean about the sense of let-down over that.Thanks also for the maps, it is always so interesting to see these places, and I don't understand why more books don't include them. I always love it when they do.
thlVzsi8Ac - 27 listopada 2015
i can't help but agree with you all in that i was expecting more fwololing the hype of the book's release. Larsson has an easy style which is certainly a 'page turner' and vaguely akin to Chandler, although only vaguely, as he lacks the characterisation. i put this down to a lack of angst, which i find surprising given his background and the 'Nordic' setting (let's face it, most of Sweden is shrouded in darkness for 6 months of the year). the ending was trashy which spolied a lot of the prelim, yes lisbeth could clean out the villain but she could have done it in a dysfunctional, true 'techy' style rather than the Bond parody which we were given. similarly, 'blomquist' appears to be larsson's superhero/alter-ego, solving the 'crime' and doing 'good' in the meantime. never mind, i will give no.2 a try, as with a 'serial's'.
pCkIuTL4pp - 27 listopada 2015
Thank you soooo very much!! It is truly a joy to have your station to liestn to this holiday season. All the best to you for a joyous and peaceful Christmas!All the best from NYC!!!!PS. Do you have the Salsoul Christmas songs? they are very fun and have not heard them on air as yet.
CANl6uZLEwE - 13 wrze¶nia 2015
Sneak peeki omijam srezokim łukiem, bo wolę poczekać na gotowy odcinek i być zaskakiwana w trakcie oglądania całości, ale tym razem nie mogę doczekać się piątku i dalszego ciągu "gali" w Parks and Recreation, więc to promo kusi coraz bardziej... Yay dla Leslie i Bena :)
PUYYanuWdveIiItvInR - 28 grudnia 2011
UINeJK badlvbnhgzhd
UqbxOWGpFYgX - 25 grudnia 2011
2f6Fo6 tqgwgtgrcoyn
dtpuMPaJVvDlLJLQWD - 25 grudnia 2011
Walking in the presence of gintas here. Cool thinking all around!
oV0c2Y8jA - 30 listopada 2015
Very nice post. I agree with your assessment of the Harriet Vanger "ending". I also felt that the book cheaetd in regard of the family trees that Blomkvist spent the book poring over - I don't want to give away any spoilers but perhaps you know what I mean about the sense of let-down over that.Thanks also for the maps, it is always so interesting to see these places, and I don't understand why more books don't include them. I always love it when they do.