TVi LODMAN - 8. explorers festival
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BogusÂław Tasarek- widz Festiwalu- opowiada o wyzwaniach, jakie codzienne zycie buduje osobie niepeÂłnosprawnej, a takÂże o sile charakteru, ktĂłra pozwala je pokonywaĂŚ.

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nr8Hg2gNyE - 30 listopada 2015

diz:I have a friend oinlne, and we've been friends for a while. So I wanted to send him a small Christmas gift. I thought I would just send it through the mail. However, he's under eighteen and his mom would completely freak if he got some random gift from some stranger on the internet. Any ideas on how to send it to him. No RL friends of his are willing to let me use their address either. Also it's just a black and red bracelet, so its not anything weird.

RE4lP0anu0hY - 27 listopada 2015

Nohntig I could say would give you undue credit for this story.

d8aRd0Wfnj - 27 listopada 2015

diz:My husband and I were thnnikig of putting our daughters toy chest underneath her toddler bed. We are planning on building this for her. We want her to be able to access her toys in the daytime and sleep on her bed at night. But him and I can't seem to agree on how to keep her fingers from getting smashed. But then again we don't know what is the best way to do it either. Can someone help us out and lead us in the right direction.

cwWR1NPZdi - 4 wrze¶nia 2015

diz:My husband and I were tihinkng of putting our daughters toy chest underneath her toddler bed. We are planning on building this for her. We want her to be able to access her toys in the daytime and sleep on her bed at night. But him and I can't seem to agree on how to keep her fingers from getting smashed. But then again we don't know what is the best way to do it either. Can someone help us out and lead us in the right direction.

uSfyGJwHPS - 29 sierpnia 2012

OOLiFh ahuleoklseje

ttNTvkjlooSo - 27 sierpnia 2012

4CUSPH ihlxibakvmib

qRSIjluH - 27 sierpnia 2012

That's a sharp way of thniikng about it.

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