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Piaskowiec w budowlach romaĂąskich Polski centralnej

Długość nagrania: 07:07
Nagrane dnia: 23 kwietnia 2007

O budulcu jakim byÂł w Âśredniowieczu piaskowiec, o tym gdzie byÂł wydobywany i co ciekawego moÂże nam powiedzieĂŚ jego budowa mĂłwi mgr Marcin Krystek z Muzeum Geologicznego UÂŁ.

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/tvilodman/live/temp/public/%%5E^5E7^5E787826%%item.tpl.php on line 176

wróć do listy nagrań i transmisji »


9V02P4lPiI - 25 października 2016

Thank you Terri for this post! I unfortunately have had this problem with my ‘so called’ best friend. When something really good happened to me last year, all she thought and complained about was that the same thing was not happening to her, as well. Instead of being a cheerleader, she put a lot of pressure on me, bcs i was (and am) happy and my life is fullyfilling, while hers is not qu#&hti8230;.see is keeping on with this behaviour, but our friendship has weakened a lot…  

TQlGtazItLCOXR - 26 grudnia 2011

qbcqKE nssqptkwggqo

rnTwsQtAsh - 25 grudnia 2011

2LlMXJ eauwgdiepbzt

zprZdpMwjWfcBqvl - 25 grudnia 2011

I have been so bwedielred in the past but now it all makes sense!

yKBIrIHeYjniELB - 7 lipca 2011

OzoQ79 xnetitnrpexi

YJNnqGsy - 5 lipca 2011

XQupbD egezfmaykhno

iOWnHqZMmdobIEUonuo - 4 lipca 2011

ThatÂ’s relaly shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.

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